A one-time Mentorship Fund was created through the recent round of Provincial Bargaining. This fund was allocated to Locals based on the number of teachers within the District. The allocation and use of the Mentorship funds were to be determined by the Local. At the January 19th, 2021 General Meeting, the CTA membership passed the policy that will guide the use of these funds in our Local. Members will need to complete the request form and have approval before they are able to access these funds. If you have questions about the funds or how they can be used, please contact Danielle at president@chilliwackteachers.com.
Mentoring Funds
Policy for Provincial Mentorship Funds
The following policy will guide the use of the one-time lump sum of two hundred and ninety thousand dollars ($290 000) which will be allocated to the Chilliwack Teachers’ Association as per the Provincial provisions in the 2019-2022 Collective Agreement for mentorship opportunities.
Provincial Mentorship funds will be prioritized for the following:
Provincial Mentorship funds cannot be used to purchase:
Remaining Provincial Mentorship funds can roll over into the subsequent year.
The Chilliwack Teachers’ Association will determine the application and selection process for members to access the Provincial Mentorship Funds.
Provincial Mentorship funds will be allocated based on the following priorities:
Members do not need to participate in the District Mentorship Program to access these funds.
The Provincial Mentorship Funds will be allocated on a first-come/first-served basis until the funds are exhausted.
Application form for Mentorship Funds
District Mentoring Committee
The CTA and the School District work collaboratively on the District Mentoring Committee. If you are looking for a mentor or are interested in becoming a mentor, the committee would love to have you on board!
Please email mentoring@sd33.bc.ca to request a mentor or volunteer to be a mentor. The Mentoring Committee provides opportunities for mentors to engage in activities to hone their skills in collaboration, consultation, and coaching. In addition, the Committee provides learning activities for mentees in areas such as assessment, parent communication, resumes, and interviews.