General Information
Who contributes to the Salary Indemnity Fund?
Who is eligible to collect benefits from these plans?
Who pays the benefits?
How long can a teacher remain on benefits?
How many people are currently receiving benefits?
How do we know if we have enough money to pay these claims?
Could the plan run out of money and not be able to pay benefits to teachers currently on claim?
For more information:
Salary Indemnity Plan Flowchart
Factor 88? Don’t wait
A member who has attained age 64, has reached factor ‘88’ (age plus contributory service), or is in receipt of a retirement pension under a registered pension plan, may voluntarily withdraw from the long-term portion of the Salary Indemnity Plan. Withdrawal may be made during any school year in which one of the foregoing conditions has been met and upon the completion of the appropriate withdrawal form. Withdrawal will be effective, upon approval, in September for applications received in that month. Applications submitted later will be effective the month following approval of the application.
In making an application for withdrawal, you should ensure that in the event of serious illness or accident you have sufficient accumulated sick leave which, when combined with 120 days of benefit from SIP: short-term, will protect your salary to the end of the month in which you reach factor ‘90’ or the end of the month you attain age 65, whichever comes first.
Principals and vice-principals should contact their HR department to inquire if they are members of the BCTF SIP or the disability plan offered through the BCPVPA. The BCPVPA plan will have its withdrawal guidelines.
Applications are available by contacting the BCTF Income Security Division
Additional Links
Salary Indemnity Plan (SIP) - Short-Term - FAQ
Included for your information are some basic responses to frequently asked questions regarding the short-term portion of the Salary Indemnity Plan.
I’m out of, or running out of, sick leave. How do I apply for SIP?
How much does SIP pay?
How long does SIP last?
Are SIP benefits taxable? How do I get my T4?
While on SIP, will my Teachers’ Pension be paid?
Will SIP pay my benefits (medical/extended health/dental/life insurance)?
Does SIP pay Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI) premiums?
Am I entitled to SIP short-term if I have withdrawn from the long-term portion of the plan?
Why do I have to use my sick leave entitlements before going on short-term SIP?
Can I skip short-term and go directly to the long-term portion of SIP if I have a long-term illness?
Salary Indemnity Plan (SIP) - Long-Term - FAQ
Included for your information are some basic responses to frequently asked questions regarding the long-term portion of the Salary Indemnity Plan.